Saturday, July 28, 2012


I am preparing to make a change in my life. After a lot of research, time, and commitment I have decided to follow a no carb/very low carb lifestyle. This will represent a dramatic change from my current lifestyle and eating habits.

I will miss certain things (some more than other) but do you know what I won't miss? I won't miss not being able to fit in my clothes. I won't miss being laughed and whispered about. I won't miss feeling terrible because I've gorged myself on carbs and sugar. I won't miss developing a medical condition due to my weight. I won't miss being left out of activities due to my physical limitations.

However, here are some things I will miss. I will miss soda. I will REALLY miss soda. I will miss potatoes. I will miss some pasta. I will miss rice. I will miss sweets and baked goods. I will miss fruit (at least for a while). I will miss pancakes and waffles. I will miss the occasional piece of bread or roll. I will miss breaded meats. I will miss sugar.

I worry about offending other people with my choices. Food is a big part of my life and it plays an important role in family gatherings and events. Will I offend my mom if I don't eat her mashed potatoes? Will I still feel like it's Thanksgiving if I don't eat hashbrown casserole? Can I have a birthday without cake? I know I can work through these issues and the people that love me will support me.

Tomorrow we (bf and I) are cleaning out our fridge/freezer and pantry/cabinets. I want NO temptations or off-limits foods hanging around.

We will also be making a plan. I am a firm believer in having a plan. If  I don't know what is expected of me then how can I succeed? I need to have clear ideas of what is okay and what is not okay to eat. If I don't, I will surely fail. I'm worried that I will do everything right and this lifestyle change will still not work for me.

I'm scared. I'm excited. I'm nervous. I'm happy.

I'm ready.

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